Adopt A Rescued Friend, Inc

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Last Updated:
5/7/2024 8:51 PM


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Sally is doing great.  We enjoy her so much and she is so spoiled.  She goes to the groomer every Monday for her bath and pretty bow.  She loves the cats.  She has now turned into a camping dog.  She always goes with us to the State Parks.  She makes friends with all people, dogs, cats, and occasionally a stray squirel.  I don't think you knew that she is deaf.  We had her tested at the vets office.  She has gained 4 pounds since we have adopted her.  She eats her food, 1 can of wet food nightly and her dry food and then trys to steal our food off of our plates.  That is her only bad habit.  Can not seem to break her of that.  Any suggestions?  She hasn't had one accident in the house since she has been here.  She tells me when she wants out.  She doen't use her crate at all...   Thank you for approving my application for adopting her.  She is so loved! 

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